Cosmetic dentistry involves dental treatments that enhance the look of your teeth and smile. A cosmetic dentist can brighten your teeth, align them, or enhance their shape. They can additionally substitute lost teeth and mend chips.
Not every cosmetic dental treatment available will be suitable for all individuals. Your dentist can assist you in identifying the most effective method for improving your smile.
This article discusses cosmetic dentistry and the typical procedures performed to enhance the visual appeal of people’s teeth.
1) Cosmetic Teeth Whitening
Bleaching (or whitening) is the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry procedure. The convenient accessibility and comparatively low expense make it a highly appealing choice for individuals wanting to enhance their smile aesthetics without resorting to overly invasive procedures. The most effective outcomes are usually obtained via in-office professional whitening procedures, although several dentist-prescribed take-home whiteners allow for self-application.
According to this NYC cosmetic dentist, ‘based on the specific type of teeth whitening procedure you choose, you could lighten the color of your teeth by two to nine shades. Outcomes are not permanent, lasting a few months (depending on your dental care).’
2) Cosmetic Dental Veneers
For individuals whose teeth whitening isn’t possible — whether due to persistent intrinsic tooth discoloration or other functional issues — porcelain veneers might provide a solution. A porcelain veneer is created to cover a treated tooth to fix worn enamel, misalignment or spacing, chips or cracks, and staining.
If you’re dissatisfied with your teeth and aim to create the perfect smile, porcelain veneers provide a great option. However, remember that in contrast to whitening, applying veneers is an invasive process that necessitates a permanent change to your natural teeth.
Veneers consist of a thin layer of porcelain or a composite material based on resin. The process for each is somewhat distinct:
Porcelain veneers: To prevent the veneer from appearing overly thick, your dentist will initially thin out a portion of the enamel from the front of your tooth. After that, they usually create a mold of your teeth and forward it to a dental lab, where the veneers are tailored to the mold. During your next appointment, your dentist will perform teeth cleaning and attach the veneers using dental cement.
Resin-based composite veneers: These veneers can be applied in a single appointment. Typically, your dentist won’t have to remove significant amounts of enamel before placing them. The teeth are initially cleaned and prepared, and then the dentist places a composite material that matches the shade of your other teeth. The substance is cured with light and smoothed to match the appearance of your other teeth.
Based on your sensitivity and the veneer’s size, you might receive a local anesthetic during the procedure.
3) Cosmetic Dental Implants
A dental implant is a metallic device designed to permanently substitute a lost tooth. The device is commonly constructed from titanium and is surgically placed into the jawbone at the location of the absent tooth. A dental implant is intended to function as the root of a tooth and can support artificial teeth like dentures or a bridge.
There are two distinct kinds of dental implants:
Endosteal implants: These implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone.
Subperiosteal implants: These are situated beneath the gum tissue on top of the jawbone. They are commonly employed to substitute several teeth.
Placing a dental implant is an invasive procedure, which is why patients are given sedatives along with a local anesthetic during the procedure.
4) Cosmetic Dental Crowns
Crowns, often referred to as caps, are specially designed to cover your entire tooth. Typically, they are composed of acrylic or porcelain fused with metal to endure biting forces.
Crowns are used in cosmetic dentistry to address teeth that are misshapen, heavily decayed, fractured, chipped, or contain extensive fillings. They can also be used to fill the gaps between your teeth.
There are several kinds of crowns, each offering various benefits and drawbacks. Currently, ceramic and composite crowns are among the popular materials used to make crowns:
Ceramic crowns: This modern substance consists of ceramic that can blend with your teeth’s natural shade. They are beneficial for individuals with metal allergies and chip less frequently than dental crowns made from alternative materials, but they still wear out over time.
Composite crowns: Constructed from synthetic resin, composite crowns can be easily designed to resemble your natural teeth. They are also beneficial for individuals who are allergic to metals. Compared to other dental crowns, composites usually have a shorter lifespan.
5) Cosmetic Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontists assist in aligning teeth and fixing an improper bite. If you have buck teeth, overcrowded teeth, teeth that are spaced far apart, or misaligned teeth, consult your dentist about whether an orthodontist can assist you.
Orthodontists use aligners or braces to gradually position your teeth correctly. A retainer might be necessary for a short time following the initial treatment to maintain the position of your teeth.
6) Cosmetic Tooth Bonding
Bonding involves a procedure where tooth-colored substances are attached (bonded) to the tooth. This is a method that can help hide flaws such as chips and cracks or enhance the look of a tooth that is severely discolored.
Bonding necessitates minimal tooth preparation, making it a quick and cost-effective method to fix small dental imperfections.
In the bonding process, your dentist will create a composite resin that corresponds to the shade of your teeth. They will then put the material on the tooth’s surface and mold it to cover any flaws. The resin will be polished as well to achieve a more natural look.
7) Cosmetic Gingival Contouring
A frequent smile issue that many individuals experience is a gummy smile, where too much gum tissue is visible when one smiles. Referred to as excessive gingival display, a gummy smile can be treated through various methods, such as laser therapy, surgical lip repositioning, orthodontic techniques, maxillofacial surgery, and gingival contouring.
Treatments for gingival contouring are frequently carried out by specialists like periodontists, orthodontists, or sometimes by an oral surgeon.